
Hear from the Seniors: DeeDee Kinzie (Visual 艺术), 加布贝尔 (Media 艺术), and Sloane Dyer (音乐)

Congratulations to the Class of 2022! Hear from seniors DeeDee Kinzie, 加布贝尔, and Sloane Dyer on their favorite Academy memories, what they’ll miss the most, and advice for incoming freshmen.

DeeDee Kinzie (Visual 艺术 ‘22)

What are you going to miss most about The Academy?

I'm going to miss the sense of creative freedom. I’m free to explore so many different things and have the time to work on my art. That feels really special. And I'm definitely going to miss the sense of creative energy throughout the building.

How would you describe your relationship with your arts teachers and with your academic teachers?

I think it's really positive. I'm personally close to some of my teachers, but I also feel very intellectually close to them. I feel very respected by all of my academic and art teachers. I definitely can engage with them about the things that I'm interested in. Since it's such a small school you get to know people very well. You get to have very in-depth conversations with teachers.

Do you have any advice for an incoming Academy freshman?

My advice would be to work hard and take care of yourself. Respect other people and try to engage with their ideas. Be open-minded to new ways of making things and learning things. I think that's the most important thing you can do as a student here, or really anywhere —  just be open-minded.

Sloane Dyer (音乐 ‘22)

What are you gonna miss most about The Academy?

I'm gonna miss the collaborations we had inside of our department, because I think they are really special — the type of relationships we have with each other and the different types of music that we put together. Nolan's music plus Bazyli's music, you wouldn't always think go together, but they do. And it's really cool. Watching people do that and doing the same with me is really, really nice.

Do you have any advice for an incoming Academy freshman?

My advice would be to make sure to notice what's going on around you, because it's really cool. And once you leave, you aren't necessarily going to get that. I mean you can get similar things, but it's not the same. Be sure to work with as many other people as you can.

加布贝尔 (Media 艺术 ‘22)

So when you think about The Academy, do you have a favorite memory? Is there something you are going to really miss about the school?

I'll probably just miss how much of a community it is. Compared to colleges and universities, there is a nice sense of community that comes with being such a small school. You know everyone and have a rapport with every teacher, one that is unique to you. I'll definitely miss that. I don’t think I will have that with my professors.

What do you think makes The Academy unique?

I think it starts with arts being equal to academics. You are kind of going to two schools at once, so you have to develop good organizational skills. I thought that the fact that you can go from Math right to Stage Direction was crazy. And I only realized recently that it's not crazy to me anymore. When I talk to my non-Academy friends about what I do, they are like “What are you talking about? You just came from a show where you made and presented a film and now you're here.” It’s normal at The Academy.

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